Equipment Building - Palo Alto, CA 

 This building is 25' wide x 27' long with a 9' low eave and a 14' high eave, 2,55:12 single slope roof pitch, non insulated. The color of the roofing, siding, trim is "Light Stone".

We erected this building for the City of Palo Alto Landfill to keep their methane burning tower's piping, pumps, valves and gauges protected from the elements. Included are two removable wall panels, one on the low side and the other on the right endwall. so that owners can have access to be able to remove and replace any piping, pumps and valves. The building is open on the front to allow any methane buildup to escape.





  All Metal Construction 7960 B Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003

 Copyright 2016 All Metal Construction


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